A Quirk In Space 10

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  1. merci

  2. Great Chapter

  3. Ahh, another good chap, I just sped through it and was sad to see it end.

    These therapist are pretty close minded for living in a superpowered society, sure what she said could seem farfetched, but there are literally insane and crazy villans around the world with (again) superpowers, there is an obviously seriously scarred child, who is missing an arm, who needs therapy, and they think she’s making shit up? They need to rethink their choice of job.

    Bonding is good though, hopefully Ume opens up to Koichi more, he’ll probably end up being the one to convince her to go to school, not any of these therapists.

    Looking forward to anymore you post and thanks for the chapter

  4. BTW, this chapter isn’t tagged with anything. I had to go to the search fields to realize you’ve got a chapter 10 when I saw the chapter 11.

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